Can't visualize CPTAC pathology image

Hi, I was just browsing through some CPTAC-BRCA pathology data and when I go to any of the visualize buttons for the couple of patients I tried nothing loads. Here’s an example URL:

I’m using Chrome for my browser.

Interesting - when I try the link you shared, it works for me (see screencapture linked below). Can you enable Developer console (View > Developer tools) and see if there are any error messages? What version of Chrome do you have? (mine is Version 101.0.4951.64 (Official Build) (x86_64) and I am on mac).

When I first clicked on the link from Justin I got an error that the metadata could not be loaded, but when I did a hard reload (shift-command-R on mac Chrome) it did load okay.

Output from the console:

GET 404
main.b6718321.js:2 RangeError: Invalid typed array length: undefined
at new Int8Array ()
at Y (29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2:66586)
at 29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2:67165
at Object.9904 (29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2:2689361)
at n (main.b6718321.js:2:137938)
at Object.1829 (45.7f594e29.chunk.js:1:262)
at n (main.b6718321.js:2:137938)
at Module.2267 (279.c3c2ee58.chunk.js:1:130)
at Function.n (main.b6718321.js:2:137938)
si @ main.b6718321.js:2
n.callback @ main.b6718321.js:2
ha @ main.b6718321.js:2
yi @ main.b6718321.js:2
Ru @ main.b6718321.js:2
t.unstable_runWithPriority @ main.b6718321.js:2
Ql @ main.b6718321.js:2
zu @ main.b6718321.js:2
bu @ main.b6718321.js:2
(anonymous) @ main.b6718321.js:2
t.unstable_runWithPriority @ main.b6718321.js:2
Ql @ main.b6718321.js:2
Yl @ main.b6718321.js:2
I @ main.b6718321.js:2
w.port1.onmessage @ main.b6718321.js:2
main.b6718321.js:2 Uncaught RangeError: Invalid typed array length: undefined
at new Int8Array ()
at Y (29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2:66586)
at 29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2:67165
at Object.9904 (29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2:2689361)
at n (main.b6718321.js:2:137938)
at Object.1829 (45.7f594e29.chunk.js:1:262)
at n (main.b6718321.js:2:137938)
at Module.2267 (279.c3c2ee58.chunk.js:1:130)
at Function.n (main.b6718321.js:2:137938)
Y @ 29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2
(anonymous) @ 29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2
9904 @ 29.bd0d951c.chunk.js:2
n @ main.b6718321.js:2
1829 @ 45.7f594e29.chunk.js:1
n @ main.b6718321.js:2
2267 @ 279.c3c2ee58.chunk.js:1
n @ main.b6718321.js:2
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Load canceled due to load timeout

Version 101.0.4951.67 (Official Build) (32-bit) is what I’m running, but just noticed it’s asking me to update.

Same problem after updating to latest version on Windows. Also, I just noticed an option to use an app to open this page:


That produces a blank screen in SLIM:

@wlongabaugh do you have any comments?

I shared this with Markus, and asked him to join the forum.

@pgundluru can you please test if you can reproduce on Windows? I do not have access to Windows at the moment.

@kirbyju I was kind of surprised your version is 32 bit (I didn’t realize they still exist!). I am not sure if this is the cause of the problem, but it might be. Can you try upgrading to a 64-bit version of Chrome (here’s one relevant article I quickly googled):

That’s amusing. I didn’t even notice since NIH pre-installs all of this stuff for us and I have to get an IT person to change anything. I’ll ask our helpdesk if they can install the 64 bit version for me.

This appears to be due to a server side error that results in a response with status code 404. We should take a look into the logs of the reverse proxy server.

We may also need to revisit the error handling of Slim and see whether we could further improve it, for example by retrying in case of a 404 error.

@kirbyju I am not sure why you get a blank screen via the Windows app. That is strange. Do you have a way to inspect the JavaScript console?

@fedorov I am able to open up CPTAC Pathology images on a chrome browser including the one from the link shared.

Can you test it on a 32 bit version of Chrome?

I doubt this is a server side issue. The stack trace coming from the client-side code report “RangeError: Invalid typed array length: undefined” which (this is a hunch) suggests it is related to the inability to correctly handle an array that might be too large for a 32 bit system.

I will note that while client side retry logic should absolutely be implemented to handle 500 (server) errors, in the case of 400 (client) errors, it should make no difference.

Note that this page specifically states (at least for Firefox, but I’m guessing it is universal) that RangeErrors are very much tied to 32-bit vs 64-bit systems:

I captured this in Handle web server errors · Issue #106 · ImagingDataCommons/slim · GitHub

Perhaps Slim should detect what type of platform it is running on (32- or 64-bit) and print a message that it is only supported on the latter.

My IT guy just installed 64bit and it’s working now. Thanks for your help!

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