When I export a cohort to CSV or TSV, there are no manifest headers, or column headers in the downloaded file. Which doesn’t match what the documentation page shows the file to look like.
If I download it as json, the file is not valid json, its not an array of objects, just one object per line.
{"collection_id": "upenn_gbm", "SeriesInstanceUID": "", "source_DOI": "10.7937/TCIA.709X_DN49", "idc_version": "", "PatientID": "UPENN-GBM-00001", "StudyInstanceUID": "", "crdc_study_uuid": "cc8b6843-b357-4e5a-8f03-dcd3c3842060", "crdc_series_uuid": "5fd52284-6973-44da-b882-473b97e3c82d"}
{"collection_id": "upenn_gbm", "SeriesInstanceUID": "", "source_DOI": "10.7937/TCIA.709X_DN49", "idc_version": "", "PatientID": "UPENN-GBM-00001", "StudyInstanceUID": "", "crdc_study_uuid": "34676c1b-0ead-4ab6-93ca-7da191cef968", "crdc_series_uuid": "01918fce-3589-47a7-883e-f82cc9f730bf"}
{"collection_id": "upenn_gbm", "SeriesInstanceUID": "", "source_DOI": "10.7937/TCIA.709X_DN49", "idc_version": "", "PatientID": "UPENN-GBM-00001", "StudyInstanceUID": "", "crdc_study_uuid": "7a2afc1c-9686-41b9-ad79-97f988c563f7", "crdc_series_uuid": "951a4b1e-1ed3-4c59-b7d0-0e877b370b03"}
I tried two cohorts with the same results. The cohort for the examples above is MR modality from UPENN-GBM collection.
Also I just noticed a spelling error of Manfiest Headers
on the Export Manifest dialog